Benefits of Upgrading Your Screening Equipment Over Repairing Your Current System

05.12.20 | General

Meeting the demands of screening aggregate, municipal solid waste, and other challenging materials inevitably leads to wear and tear of your screening equipment. Eventually, continued wear will require repairs. Over time, the cumulative maintenance and higher frequency of downtime affect your bottom line. Your machine isn’t meeting production demands. You’re at risk of missing deadlines.

When this begins to happen, it’s tempting to continue trying to get as much production as you can out of your machine, but eventually you’ll have to make a decision: continue costly and time consuming repairs of your current screening equipment or make the investment to upgrade to a new machine.

While it may initially seem daunting, upgrading to a new machine comes with a number of benefits. Below, we’ve outlined the benefits of upgrading your current screening equipment over repairing your current system.

Avoid the Downside of Repairs

As your screening equipment ages, it becomes less reliable, breaks down, and will require repairs. When repairs become more frequent, many operators use price as the deciding factor in selecting parts. In doing so, they often base their purchasing decision on low priced parts or repair alternatives; however, this comes with its own set of trade-offs. Low-cost parts and repairs may be an attractive option in the short-term, but with lower quality comes an entirely different set of costs.

Equipment Downtime

Turning to lower-quality parts like compression springs, bearings, or screen media often leads to an increase in downtime when these items must be replaced more frequently. This is particularly true when screens need to be changed more frequently due to quicker wear or clogging and blinding.

Operational Safety

Every time you make repairs or replace screen media, you expose your crew to potential risks. Fewer repairs not only mean less downtime, it also means less safety risks. This is only compounded by the inherent safety risks of older, potentially faulty parts.


Repairs, whether you’re using low-cost parts or not, can negatively impact your equipment’s production rates. Eventually, older machines may succumb to higher moisture conditions and damage from tougher screening specifications. This is especially true for conventional trommel screens. In any event, your equipment’s efficiency can suffer.

Grow Your Operation

Aside from fewer and less costly repairs, your operation will eventually outgrow your current screening equipment. Upgrading your machine is an opportunity to ensure your equipment can meet the needs of your growing operation. We often work with operators who are not only looking to replace an older piece of equipment, but increase production or establish a new process. In these cases, AEI offers a number of upgrade solutions to meet your needs and your budget.

AEI’s Solutions

When you’re ready to upgrade your screening equipment, it’s important to purchase a machine that can meet your production needs and provide the best return on your investment. That’s why AEI proudly offers industry-trusted screening solutions that provide the highest efficiency and reliability – even in the most demanding applications.

Our machines feature robust construction designed for long life and low maintenance. Many of our machines in the field have a life span exceeding 20 years.

If you’re in the market for a new machine or an upgrade, give our sales team a call at (717)-656-2131. You can also browse our solutions below.


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